Post-pandemic phase of work For the last 17 months, many employees were required to work remotely. Now that we are rounding the corner into a post-pandemic […]
In the post called Building Resilience One Mental Muscle at a Time, I covered two options for building resiliency. Read: Building Resilience One Mental Muscle at […]
The long-range effects of the COVID-19 pandemic remain far from being fully realized. Although, it isn’t difficult to conceptualize the potential increased demand for professional support […]
With January here and the holiday season tucked behind us, we face a month known for broken resolutions, ghastly credit card bills, homes stripped of holiday […]
Working Remotely Since COVID-19 touched down with a significant impact in March 2020, many Canadian workers found themselves relocating to home-based work and using virtual meeting […]
This month’s book was a challenge. Not that there weren’t enough books on the topic, but rather landing on just the right one. After much deliberation, […]