First, let me reassure you that every session is held in strictest confidence. As an ICF Certified Professional Coach, I’m bound by specific ethical guidelines.
I have a coaching philosophy. Read about it here (2-min read).
We begin the coaching process with a no obligation, complimentary coaching session to confirm if we are a good fit for working together. Set up your complimentary coaching call here.
Each coaching package gives you access to my self-growth e-courses and achieve a greater sense of well-being, prosperity and self-fulfilment.
Coaching sessions are conducted via Zoom virtual meetings.
Set up your complimentary coaching call here.
Once you’ve selected the right coaching package for you the next steps are:
Step one: schedule your coaching session using the link to my online calendar.
Step two: complete the coaching welcome package you receive from me via email.
Step three: Once you receive your invoice, provide payment via e-transfer, Apple Pay or credit card. Full payment is required upfront.
Step four: based on your coaching package, select your e-course and the self assessment.
Step five: get ready to transform, excel and surpass your expectations!
The name of our business is an adaptation of the word “Authentic”.
Authenticity is the core value that motivates every interaction and decision we make.
We help our clients identify and navigate toward their NorthStar. When they feel clear and connected to their own purpose, we fulfill our purpose of helping people live authenticity and aligned with their core values.
Our why is driven by the belief that when we consciously choose the person we wish to be, it is a choice that reflects the highest vision of our self. In so doing, we are able to align all that we say, do, and believe with our core values and our North Star.
We work with you on an exploratory journey by asking powerful questions that facilitate introspection and greater self awareness. This process creates a clearer path to finding your North Star – your highest personal aspiration.
Coaching is a future-focused practice. Psychological intervention is outside the scope of our role. The starting point is where you are now. Together we co-create your goals along with strategies for overcoming challenges, communication difficulties, conflict and more. We leverage neuro-linguistic programming based on the work of Dr. Milton Erickson as it allows for a practical application of how people think and process information. We help you use innovative thinking to approach a situation for the possibilities it presents — solutions vs. problems.
Together we discuss and uncover challenges and observations. You are the expert of your own life. You are capable and resourceful even when in times when you might feel the opposite. Working with a coach should make you feel safe, supported and in a judgement-free environment where you have a strategic thinking partner to discuss your goals and design a plan that will move you in the direction that aligns with your values and what brings you energy and joy.
You’ll always feel SUPPORT
Safe - we provide a safe haven for confidential conversations
Understood - we provide a judgement-free zone where “What if?” ideas are encouraged
Proud - we celebrate our client’s accomplishments no matter the size
Poised - we help position our clients for success by readying them to tackle even their biggest challenges confidently and courageously
Optimistic - we believe our clients are resourceful and capable of achieving their goals
Responsive - we build client connections based on rapport, empathy, compassion and a deep sense of gratitude
Trust - we build trust one interaction and one decision at a time
To enhance the coaching experience and bring more of an evidence-based approach to the work, we offer a wide range of assessments to support each client's goals and strategic plans.
Assessments provide the foundation for dependable human performance answers.
We include assessments as part of our coaching model to promote positive outcomes in our client's personal and professional life. Completing assessments helps with leadership development, sales & customer service, team-building, communication & collaboration training, conflict resolution and succession planning. Each assessment measures a different, yet important, dimension of human behaviour or cognition.
Cancellation Policy
Should a cancellation of a meeting occur with less than 24 hours notice of a scheduled meeting, Authentika Consulting reserves the right to invoice the client for a missed meeting. Make-up sessions must occur within a week of the originally scheduled session. It is important that you prioritize the coaching experiences to receive its full benefit.
All contracts are binding. There are no refunds for coaching services. Before you sign the coaching welcome package agreement, please ensure you are fully committed to the coaching engagement and that you are certain we are the right coach for you.




Working with a professional coach helps you identify your personal values, your purpose and the limitless possibilities that exist within you. We work with you on an exploratory journey by asking you powerful questions of yourself so you can clearly identify your North Star – your highest personal aspiration.
When you can see your North Star, you have a way to stay on course, no matter where you are.
When your North Star appears, it's so much easier to simplify your choices because you’re always guided on your path. When you’re clear about your North Star, you can more easily align your energy, emotions and actions in the service of your personal vision.
Working with a coach helps you define your North Star objectives – your aspirational goals that motivate, inspire and keep you uplifted as meteors of conflict, challenge and change threaten to tilt you off course.
As a leader, you may feel you are too busy to stop and examine what might be limiting you from accomplishing your goals or influencing others to attain theirs. When you work with a professional coach, you gift yourself with time to explore what is blocking you from having an impact that will make a difference.
When you work with Authentika, you gift yourself:
- A strategic thinking partner to help you on your leadership journey
- A safe harbour where you can share your thoughts in a safe space that is free from judgment and remains 100% confidential
- A challenger of ideas, beliefs, biases
- An explorer of solutions that align with your North Star orientation
- A touchstone to measure action and results

Working with a coach helps you develop a clear and well understood organizational purpose. Working with Authentika helps you map a course that allows for the sustainability and success of your business.
We help you get clear about your why, your North Star purpose.
Working with a business coach help you:
- Clarity what your organization does;
- Clarify why your organization is in business - your North Star purpose;
- Clarify how you ensure that you can bring your why or North Star purpose to life in your business and honour the commitments to your customers;
- Clarify the ideal customer experience by defining and articulating how you want your customers to feel.
Business Coaching helps you identify and map out points to steer yourself and your business in the direction of your North Star. When working with a business coach, you make wish to have some consulting services as well.
We offer coaching and consulting for your business as a combined service.
An example of a resource we use in business consulting is the free Impact Matrix Questionnaire.
Ready to get started? Your customers are waiting!

First, let’s define Ayurveda. (pronounced “eye-your-vaaydah”)
It is a 5,000 year old system of natural healing that originates in the Vedic culture of India. Ayurveda is made up of 2 Sanskrit words: Ayus - meaning “life” and Veda — meaning “science”. So Ayurveda is the science or wisdom of life. People have been practicing Ayurveda for 5,000 years and it is designed to help you stay vital, healthy and able to reach your full potential.
What can an Ayurvedic health coach do for you?
Ayurvedic health coaching provides guidelines for how to stay in balance within your mind, body and spirit.
There are times when stress, change, conflict, or illness can throw you out of balance and Ayurvedic coaching offers daily routines through medication, diet, behaviour, sleep and the proper use of your 5 senses to allow you to bring balance and harmony into your life.You’ll learn proper nutrition, mindfulness practices and balance lifestyle habits that are designed to balance your dosha.
What is your dosha?
Find out which of your dosha are out of balance and cause you to experience low energy. Take the dosha quiz and have your results analyzed in a free 30-minute online consultation.
When you work with an Ayurvedic health coach, you gift yourself:
- a trusted guide - to help you identify your own true nature that is unique to you alone;
- a knowledgeable resource - certified and trained in the practice of Ayurveda who shares insights at the foundational levels of health to help you reform your well-being from the genesis of the ailment, not the symptoms
- a holistic influence - to help you bring greater awareness, harmony and well-being to your life through Perfect Health - using the principles and practices of mind, body medicine
Are you ready to bring your mind and body into a state of natural balance and harmonious well-being?
If you want to achieve vibrant mental health, book your 30-minute free Ayurvedic consultation today.
What is a dosha? (source: The Chopra Center)
In Ayurveda, the five elements that are found in all living things—ether, air, fire, water, and earth—are the building blocks of life. While this foundation unites all humans, the manifestation of those elements through the doshas is what gives rise to our differences. How the three doshas appear, and in what proportion, is what makes each of us unique.
The 3 Doshas:
- The fiery and intense Pitta type may enjoy the occasional power trip. She will devour a mountain of food with ravenous hunger and yet be ready to eat again when it comes to the next meal.
- In contrast, a delicate Vata can never seem to get warm. She will nibble, snack, and graze her way through the day, and she may feel the need to rest often. She’s also inclined to talk about a number of diverse subjects,
- The contented Kapha type may, with great deliberation, consume three pieces of cake. She will spend quality time curled up on a couch making phone calls to loved ones with uplifting, motherly advice.
The role the doshas play is a dynamic one, constantly changing in response to weather, conditions, and stress. The habits—good or bad—that you create are manifestations of your dosha. You may be inclined to go a bit overboard on ice cream, spend too much time talking on the phone late at night, or neglect sleep when you need it most.
Whatever your habits, they all result in a shift in your make-up which could lead to the beginnings of disease if you balance yourself with care and a healthy diet.
Getting to know and appreciate your dosha is key to knowing yourself. It provides clues for what you should eat and what things you should address when your energy gets out of whack. The more you know about what may cause certain reactions or tendencies, the easier it will be to balance them.
Corporate Clients
““Coaching is a profession of love. You can’t coach people unless you love them.”