The online social platform known as LinkedIn has been around since 2003. Even though over 690 million people are connected LinkedIn users, there are many who haven’t tried it or are unsure of how to maximize its use to enhance their online presence.
If this is you or someone you know, please share a link to this post with them.
That’s why I created a 13-minute video to share quick tips so you can master the art of creating a powerful LinkedIn profile in minutes.
When I start working with a client, I look them up on LinkedIn. It is part of my due diligence practice. A LinkedIn search is a free, easy and quick way to research a person’s professional online presence.
Supercharging Your Profile
Your LinkedIn profile page is the first online impression someone has of you when they use LinkedIn.
“LinkedIn is no longer an online resume. It’s your digital reputation.” – Jill Rowley
How long do you think it takes to make a first impression?
All of seven seconds. Yes, that’s right. Research shows that it only takes a tenth of a second to start forming opinions about another person’s trustworthiness.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. – Andrew Grant
When using social media platforms, it pays to spend time ensuring your online presence aligns with how you want to show up.
4 Areas of Focus on Your Profile Page
For LinkedIn, the 4 key areas to focus your time is on include:
- Your photo or headshot;
- The background image;
- The headline and
- The “About” summary.
Your Photo
Start with building your Profile page and add a photo of yourself that is current, professional, and friendly. Make sure your face is centered in the image and wear work-appropriate clothing.
Add a background photo that is related to your professional life.
The Door To Your Online Resume
Just below your photo, write a LinkedIn headline that is short and catchy. If you’re at a loss, just type your current job title. Take the time you need to make the headline complete and readable. This is the door to your on online resume.
“About” You.
The “About” section in LinkedIn should reflect a summary of your skills and abilities. It is a professional introduction to “you”.
It is the place to list your strengths, specialized degrees, and experience. Not everyone will take the time to read through the rest of your LinkedIn profile so make the About section pop.
Look at your summary as your personal brand and keep it focused on you. Be sure to write it in first person narrative, “I”.
LinkedIn is a powerful tool to research companies, jobs, and people. More on how to leverage LinkedIn for business development and networking is provided in an upcoming post.
Customize Your LinkedIn URL
Okay, so this is my favourite LinkedIn tip. Are you ready?
When you sign up, LinkedIn gives you a URL that isn’t customized. It is easy to customize your personal LinkedIn URL.
Here’s how:
- When you are logged in to LinkedIn, click on your own profile page. Now click on the “Edit public profile & URL” link on the upper right corner of the page.
- On the right side of your Public Profile page, you will find your current URL. Just underneath it, you will locate a link to “Edit public profile URL.” Click on the icon of a pencil where the box to fill in your new custom URL is found.
- Type in a new URL comprised of 5-30 letters or numbers with no spaces, symbols, or special characters allowed.
- Click on “Save” just below the box. You’re all set. You have your new personalized LinkedIn profile URL.
There is no stopping you now, you LinkedIn champ.