Remember to make December cozy with self-care
We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives.” Gary Zukav
Consciously choosing to show up for each day and each season is a gift we give ourselves. As a polite form of introductory conversation, many of us tend to talk about the weather when meeting someone new or when we’re not sure what else to discuss. Regardless of the reason, it is worth noticing when and how you talk about the weather. Do you experience it for the natural wonder that it brings to you in each given moment? No two days are exactly alike just as each snowflake that lands is different – as they fall, atmospheric changes cause different patterns of ice crystals to form.
Winter officially starts in a few days and after November’s rapid race toward the shortest and darkest day of the year, I count on this mystical month as the harbinger of all things officially seasonal. With guiltless abandon, I listen to Christmas music and shamelessly illuminate my front porch with twinkly Christmas lights. December hands me the permission slip to cuddle up with my favourite blanket, sip marshmellow-melting hot cocoa and commence Christmas movie watching marathon weekends.
December also used to be the 10th month of the Roman year and gets its name from the word “decem’, which means ten. With this as my inspiration, I offer ten tips to help you savour the season and slow down. Why make it a time of so much hustle and bustle? Give yourself a perfect gift and make your December sparkle.
1) Mark each day of the month by doing one thing just for you. It can be something small or big– take walk in your neighbourhood and catch the still of the moment, enjoy a warming cup of tea or coffee and just let the moment be, look up at the night sky and find the North Star or light a candle and watch it flicker.
2) Sleep in a bit longer and go to bed 30 minutes earlier — you’ll have more focus and the extra sleep helps to fight off germs that come with cold and flu season too.
3) If weather permits, go for a sleigh ride.
4) Read a chapter in a book that you’ve been meaning to open.
5) Listen to music that inspires you.
6) Say no thanks. Say no to things you don’t feel will nurture your mind, body and Spirit. Maybe it is saying no to a party you don’t feel like attending.
7) Defer. Schedule time in January to get together with friends. Chances are they are feeling rushed and crunched for time. Lift the sense of obligation to gather in December. January blues are best remedied with the cheer and good will of those we most want to see.
8) Think moderation. There is no need to throw all your good habits to the wind as soon December’s festivities roll around. Say yes to some seasonal indulgences, but think about the toll you’ll put on your body if you overdo it. You’ll thank yourself in January if thoughts of healthy choices and smaller doses of excess sweets and savouries win out this month.
9) Remember it truly is the thought that counts. Curb the need overspend this season. A call, a friendly smile and a pay it forward gesture are gifts that endure. Less can truly be more. Come January, you’ll also thank yourself when your credit card bill arrives.
10) Be gentle with yourself. If (or when) you mess up this month, think about what you’d say to a loved one or a close friend and offer yourself the same consolation. Looking at yourself with compassionate eyes allows you to see the world for the wonder and splendour each day holds.
It is a time that is stressful and anxiety-inducing as you may be facing family obligations, extra meal preparations, travel requirements, and a heightened pressure of “other-obligation” that generally don’t add any sparkle to your holiday season.
Some aspects of this season are tough, especially if you are missing a loved one. Seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional.
If you are experiencing a crisis, please call Here 24/7 at 1-844-437-3247, or call 911 or visit the Emergency Department of the nearest hospital.
Stay safe and be well.