In a previous post, I shared a recording of a presentation on how to sign up for a LinkedIn account and make the most of your LinkedIn Profile Page. It is a basic tutorial that walks you through the main components of LinkedIn.
What’s this post about?
This post offers ways to leverage LinkedIn to grow your network and your business/professional connections. The recording is just over 13 minutes in duration.
Key Takeaways
In order to keep this post short and to the point, I’ve included the main tips in the recorded presentation (in case you want to skip hearing my voice!)
- Network updates – LinkedIn’s version of a newsfeed. Here you can filter what is coming through your feed and see what your connections “Like, Comment on and Share”;
- On the Home page: this is where you can post content.
- Remember — the more you post, the more you can syndicate your content around newsfeeds on LinkedIn
Be Identifiable
- Be identifiable! Allow others to see who you are by making your profile “viewable” by others
- Adjust your privacy settings:
- Settings and Privacy/ Select:
- Then: check off your name and headline so you can see who has clicked on (viewed) your profile)
- Settings and Privacy/ Select:
- Adjust your privacy settings:
- Where you can create a Company LinkedIn page
- Invite someone to connect with you on LinkedIn
- Grow your Network on LinkedIn wisely
- Don’t just click on the “connect” button
- Find out more about the person – how are you connected to them?
- Go to the person’s profile page and click the “connect” button from there and send them a message and personalize your invitation to connect.
- Be as specific as possible with a reason for connecting.
- Follow up after a meeting or a networking event
- Use the QR code feature on LinkedIn where possible
- Remember to reach out to the person via a personalized LinkedIn connection request after the meeting or event.
- Set monthly networking growth goals.
- Growing your network requires an intentionality and a commitment to using LinkedIn as a legitimate professional networking platform.
Engage with Connections
- Engage with your connections with comments and likes
- Comment on other posts
- Don’t be stingy with “likes” – but ensure you read the entire post first AND open and read any links.
- Maintain proper LinkedIn ettiquette
- If you’ve sent a request to connect, don’t expect them to accept your request.
- Consider whether you’re comfortable accepting random connections on LinkedIn and ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I know you?
- Do I know someone who knows you?
- Are you in my industry?
- Do you work for a business/company that I follow?
- Do you share industry insights that are valuable to me?
Add Value First
- Add value over asking for business
- Ask people how they feel about a topic
- Inquire about their biggest work issue/problem they would like to solve
- Share resources that you believe would be helpful
- Don’t ask for their business in your initial few connections.
- Make yourself and what you can offer a valuable experience that your contact will appreciate.
- Demonstrate interest in their needs and goals as the primary focus.
That wraps it up. I hope these nuggets prove helpful.
Happy LinkedIn networking!